Cohabiter avec la nature
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Cette page présente les principales ressources dans le domaine des systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) aussi appelés systèmes d'information à référence spatiale (SIRS) ou Geographical information systems (GIS) en anglais.

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Geographic Information Systems, an introduction
Tor Bernhardsen
John Wiley and Sons, 372 pages.

This book is well designed, solidly constructed, and finely crafted; those who depend on it as they set out to explore our spatial world will be well served.


Getting to know ArcGIS Desktop
Tim Ormsby
ESRI Press, 572 pages.

With revised material and new exercises based on ArcGIS version 9, this updated work acquaints geographers and GIS professionals with the principles of GIS as it teaches the mechanics of using ArcGIS software. Conceptual material is followed by scripted software exercises. Necessary GIS skills are presented in a variety of areas-map symbology, data overlay, map projection, and data conversion-as the making of maps and the analysis of geographic data is conceptualized. Spatial modeling exercises using the ModelBuilder technology of ArcGIS version 9 are also provided. Other topics covered include organizing data, planning a GIS project, creating derived data, and presenting results.


Créé par Arnaud - dernière modification 22.02.2006.

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